Thursday, October 28, 2010

DIY Bag Stuffing

So, I was tired of the run of the mill "Tissue Paper Stuffing" for gifts, and it just so happens that I will be meeting my cousin's wife and baby for the first time this Saturday. So what do we do? My darling sister and I run to the Target for a gift, what does the gift need? Some sort of tissue paper stuffing! I'll get my hot glue gun!
Here are the gifts, and DIY tools... Did I mention she is a girl??? AWESOME

Here is the first tee pee of tulle.

A flower in the making. Sorry Taylor Swift... you have hot glue all over your face.

Well, I burnt the crap out of my thumb so I moved to the tissue flowers, so, this will be a tissue/tulle stuffed bag!

Is it a little much? Maybe. Is it awesome? YES!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall makes me need...

Back at home in the Northwest, there is something we like to call coffee. You may think you know coffee, but unless you have had a REAL cup from WA,OR,ID, or MT you haven't. My dear friend Emily was a barista for many'a coffee shop in the years past. I lived with her for a summer, and never had her make me a cup of joe. One of life's biggest regrets, especially when I came across this on her Facebook last fall.

What is this? Mexican coffee. I have had a few variations of this most wonderful and deliciously warm liquid heaven, but never with the fired sugar on top. What concept! If I can get her to come out here to the Southwest I would be more than delighted to buy a torch, solely for the purpose of her making me this delightful beverage.
In the fall I need real coffee (Java, Thomas and Hammer, Dawson Taylor), pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, and a fireplace with slippers. And a spot of soup here and there.
So what do you say Em? Need a break from the cold yet?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pheeling Creative

So... I have been looking for wedding photographers in my hometown, as our original idea has now been priced out. I decided to take a gander on Craiglist to see if there are any college kids that are creative and want the experience for little cost... What I found was concerning. There were people advertising their services, and their "Best Photos" were featured on their websites. These photos were... well... awful. Eyes were closed, shadows in all the wrong places... NOT GOOD. So, I was looking back on the photos I have taken.. and dig... I should get into the Biz in ID.

These are a senior sesh I did of my co-worker's (and fellow blogger Mrs. B. Kim) sister for her senior pictures. I really liked the way a few of these turned out.
These are from my sister's engagement session. We were shooting in the middle of August and it was hot as a mo'fo' so we had to stay in the shade.

Thank goodness she is so gorgeous, it is easy to take a good picture of her!

So serious...

its magic!

They were happily married September 25th, 2010! Now I should talk her into doing some bridal shots!

Hayden and Sean Save the Date

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Holiday Break..

I lolly gagged my way home today... stopping at the Target for some candy (now is the time to get the bulk business.) Gazed slightly at the Christmas decor starting to arrive.I have to pace myself at the Target, as I will not be paying the $100 cover charge for a while. And when I arrived home I knew I would be receiving the usual Wednesday market coupons and standard mailbox fillers, but my excitement level raised about 50 notches... The Crate and Barrel holiday catalog was here! I tried to do a little meditation to de-stress about the chaotic house appraisal situation (yes I am finally buying that house I blogged about, well A house...) but my little eye kept peering open at the catalog sent from heaven. I just HAD to look at it so I could move on with my night, and my life! I know I know, it isn't even Halloween, but I think about Christmas all year 'round. I save little things that might go well in my Christmas cards, or collect things from antique stores. And my future Mother in Law loves Christmas as much as I do. I have already received some of her Christmas swizzle sticks (in August)! Oh this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

So Crate and Barrel, what have we to share with Emily's Christmas Spirit?

Yes, you are the holiday of my dreams! And how fortunate that my new home has a fireplace, and I will be moving in shortly before the holidays. Oh how my heart longs for this day!

If you know me at all, and perhaps this is a good time to say, I ADORE paisley, and this little (or large) gem is my two favorite things tied into one. *nearly shouting* Paisley and Christmas! Now if only there were a little piece of chocolate decadence on it I would be in REALLY good shape... ooohhh cheese would work too.

Oh, hello adorable matching piece of heaven.

Oh, the three together? I think so!!!

Why not do something like this for place settings or something???
 I figure, if there are holidays, there is a need for a holiday party. Now I just need to make some friends here and we will be on our way to this holiday soiree!
Ohhhh I am in Holiday Heaven!!! If anyone knows how I can move into Santa's workshop, please let me know. And now to start the Christmas music on my Pandora Radio!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Remembering why...

About a year ago I read an infamous book, Skinny Bitch. I knew if I read it what the outcome would be. There wasn't a doubt in my mind. I put it off for quite some time and then finally I was ready as I had been flirting with the idea of vegetarianism for years. I read the book and was absolutely disgusted with the crap I had been putting into my body for 24+ years, not to mention the slaughtering of animals. When I finished the book I was vegan. I looked up delicious recipes and made them for my Mustang Man. He was a sport, and was "supportive."  (I am selectively forgetting the comment he made when I initially told him.) Well, for 2 months I was strong as a vegan and for 8 months I was strong as a vegetarian (cheese is a vice of mine and I can't give it up. It is my own personal heroin). And now, I am ashamed to say that I have been eating meat again. Not every meal, and not normally as the main ingredient. But none-the-less, my stomach has been attempting to digest the hormones, antibiotics, and adrenaline filled flesh.

But today a conversation I had was like a slap in the face. My co-workers and I were talking about the choice of being a vegetarian and why we had or hadn't made the choice. In voicing my reasoning I was once again shocked by the crap I had been putting into my body, again.
While we were having this conversation I was also perusing through WholeLiving (a Martha Stewart publication) and realized I need to get back on track. Health is something that is very important to me, so why poison myself, my loved ones and my surroundings?
Today starts a new day, and what better day than Monday?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I need a mr. h