Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bridal Shower: Day Four- Easter Sunday

Thank goodness I didn't drink as much as I had planned to at the bridal shower. I was able to rally quickly and spend Easter Brunch with my ma, Johnny, Aunt Kimmy and Jamie. It was no surprise to me when I arrived to a beautiful tablescape and mimosas with fresh fruit.

One of my favorite things outside the dining room window is the mural Johnny did. It looks like an Italian villa, but to me, it is heaven. All our animals are there, and the sun is shining. Once I sat down for brunch, I noticed Buddha staring at me with his readers on... Only at my mom's house will you find that. After brunch, and I had set off for Boise to catch my plane, my mom and Aunt Kim set of for Shoshone Falls, or the Niagara of the West.  They had it running at full force, which truly is a site to see. Looks mighty chilly if you ask me!

When we (my darling sister, my Lisa and Aunt Lilis) arrived in Boise we had about an hour before we had to be at the airport. So, obviously we stopped for some grub. Flat Bread is the new hip spot in town. I have heard there is even one in downtown Boise... They had a slew of options, even gluten free dough!

While we were waiting for our pizzas and flat bread we tested our wine knowledge. My Aunt Lilis is a wine genius!

This was my last stop in ID before heading back to the heat that is the South West... and boy was I ready to thaw out my bones!

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